Program Studi Keperawatan Kelas Internasional

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) leading to Professional Nurse (PN)

Universitas Jenderal soedirman (unsoed) adalah universitas negeri di indonesia, didirikan pada tahun 1963 dengan jumlah mahasiswa lebih dari 23.000 mahasiswa. Universitas ini terletak di Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah. Kampus Unsoed dikelilingi oleh pemandangan indah gunung slamet dan sungai serayu, menciptakan lingkungan yang paling menyenangkan dan nyaman untuk tinggal dan belajar.


Program Keperawatan berdiri sejak tahun 2005, dan telah meluluskan lebih dari 1000 mahasiswa. Program ini menawarkan gelar sarjana keperawatan, dan program magister dalam waktu dekat. Selama bertahun-tahun siswa kami telah menjadi peringkat teratas dalam ujian kualifikasi keperawatan indonesia. Di antara lokasi di mana alumni kami telah bekerja adalah rumah sakit umum, sekolah perawat, layanan kesehatan dasar dan pengaturan terkait kesehatan lainnya.


Program internasional adalah program sarjana yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan bertaraf internasional yang sejalan dengan misi universitas menjadi universitas kelas dunia. Program ini terbuka untuk pelajar internasional maupun pelajar Indonesia. Proses pembelajaran dilakukan dalam bahasa Inggris, disampaikan oleh dosen-dosen berpengalaman lulusan universitas ternama di Indonesia dan luar negeri. Selain pembelajaran aktif, siswa dihadapkan pada situasi klinis dan lingkungan komunitas yang memberi mereka pengalaman keperawatan yang beragam dan mendalam. Dosen tamu dari pakar internasional, uji coba toefl dan nclex akan diadakan secara berkala. Dalam program ini, mahasiswa juga akan memiliki pengalaman internasional.


Program keperawatan internasional mempersiapkan generasi muda untuk menjadi perawat unggul yang diakui secara internasional dengan memberikan proses pembelajaran luar biasa yang mengintegrasikan ilmu keperawatan dan ilmu sosial. Perawat adalah profesi yang sangat dibutuhkan secara global dan ini akan terus berlanjut seiring dengan bertambahnya populasi dan perawatan kesehatan yang lebih baik menjadi hak setiap warga negara.

Prospek profesi dunia keperawatan adalah praktisi, peneliti, pendidik, manajer dan wirausaha kesehatan.


Mahasiswa program internasional wajib memiliki pengalaman internasional selama program ini. Siswa dapat memilih setidaknya satu dari kegiatan berikut :

  1. Pertukaran pelajar: pelajar belajar di luar negeri selama satu atau dua semester dan kredit yang diperoleh ditransfer.
  2. Magang internasional: siswa menghabiskan 1 hingga 3 bulan di universitas mitra.
  3. Eksposur akademik/klinis internasional: siswa menghabiskan 3-7 hari untuk melakukan kegiatan akademik termasuk menghadiri kelas di universitas mitra.
  4. Acara internasional luar negeri: siswa berpartisipasi dalam acara siswa seperti kompetisi internasional dan pameran budaya
  5. Layanan masyarakat internasional
  6. Seminar internasional luar negeri: Mahasiswa mengikuti seminar internasional di luar negeri, baik sebagai presenter maupun peserta.


Kerjasama internasional :

  1. Princess of narathiwat university, thailand
  2. Boromarajonani nursing college Yala, thailand
  3. Prince of Songkhla University, thailand
  4. Emilio aguinaldo college, philippines


Unggul secara global dalam ilmu dan teknologi keperawatan berbasis kearifan lokal pada tahun 2030



  1. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan dan kegiatan kemahasiswaan keperawatan yang berkualitas berbasis kearifan lokal untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang berkarakter, berdaya saing global tinggi dan unggul dalam ilmu dan teknologi keperawatan.
  2. Mendukung penelitian dan inovasi di bidang keperawatan untuk meningkatkan daya saing global berbasis kearifan lokal.
  3. Menyelenggarakan pengabdian kepada masyarakat melalui program pemberdayaan berbasis kearifan lokal dan teknologi di bidang keperawatan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat.
  4. Meningkatkan kualitas kerjasama dengan mitra untuk meningkatkan partisipasi kelembagaan dalam pengembangan masyarakat.


Deskripsi Visi Program Sarjana Keperawatan


“Unggul Secara Global Dalam Ipteks Keperawatan Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Pada Tahun 2030”

  1. Makna Unggul Secara Global : Prodi sebagai unit pengembang keilmuan memiliki prestasi terbaik di tingkat global.
  2. Di bidang pendidikan : Prodi Ners terakreditasi internasional.
  3. Di bidang penelitian: Karya penelitian dosen dipublikasikan atau didesiminasikan di tingkat internasional.
  4. Di bidang PKM : Karya PKM didesiminasikan di lingkungan internasional.
  5. Dalam bidang kerjasama : Lingkup kerjasama dan bentuk aplikasi  kerjasama mayoritas dengan Institusi luar negeri.


Unggul Secara Global Dalam Ipteks Keperawatan Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Pada Tahun 2030

  • Makna Ipteks Keperawatan : Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi dan seni dalam bidang keperawatan


Unggul Secara Global Dalam Ipteks Keperawatan Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Pada Tahun 2030

  1. Makna Kearifan Lokal : Kearifan lokal adalah nilai budaya lokal yang telah diterapkan untuk mengelola tatanan sosial dan kehidupan sosial masyarakat secara bijaksana
  2. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka makna berbasis kearifan lokal Jurusan Keperawatan adalah civitas akademika/alumni Prodi Ners menggunakan nilai budaya lokal setempat yang telah diterapkan untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatan dan kehidupan sosial masyarakat secara bijaksana dimana civitas akademika/alumni berada.

Learning Outcomes


Bachelor Nursing Program Leading to Professional Nurse

The graduate profile of the BSN leading to PN Program is determined based on input from users, alumni, the results of studies on the needs of the nurse job market needed by the government and the business world and industry, the development of science and technology and paying attention to the vision and mission of the study program.


Graduate Profile and Description

NoGraduate Profile (GP)Description of Graduate Profile
GP1Nursing Care Provider (Care Provider)Graduates who are able to plan and provide professional nursing care aimed at clients (individuals / families / communities / communities) in all service settings by paying attention to client safety, and using the nursing process as a critical thinking process, and considering legal, ethical and local wisdom aspects by utilizing technology.
GP2Communicator with clients, families, and health teams (Communicator)Graduates who are able to interact and communicate effectively with clients, peers, and other health service teams.
GP3Educator and Health PromoterGraduates who are able to carry out education and health promotion activities by utilizing potential, resources, and local wisdom to increase independence and active participation of clients in caring for themselves.
GP4Leaders and Managers (Leader and Manager)Graduates who are able to analyze the organization of nursing care and  coordinate with the health team by showing leadership attitudes that are honest, caring, and unyielding characters to achieve client care goals.
GP5Researchers (Researcher)Graduates who are able to apply the steps of a scientific approach in the development of nursing science and technology by considering potential, resources, and local wisdom.


ILO Establishment

The formulation of ILO refers to KKNI, SN DIKTI, University value, the characteristics of study programs and the Indonesian National Nurses Association. The ILO formulation process is obtained from the results of graduate searches, stakeholder input, professional associations, scientific consortia, trends in future scientific/expertise development, and from curriculum evaluation results.


Learning Outcomes of Study Program Graduates


Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)
ILO 1 (A1)Able to show devotion to God Almighty, demonstrate a professional attitude, apply ethical principles, and have legal and cultural perspectives in nursing based on the values of honesty, caring, and persistence in performing duties in the field of nursing
ILO 2 (K1)Able to master the application of nursing science and general skills in nursing
General Skills
ILO 3 (S1)Able to utilize technology for the development of nursing care.
ILO 4 (S2)Able to develop and improve continuous professional skills in nursing
ILO 5 (C1)Able to apply the concept of resources, culture, and local wisdom in providing nursing services.
ILO 6 (C2)Able to provide professional nursing care based on Evidence Based Practice (EBP) to improve the quality of nursing care and client safety.
ILO 7 (C3)Able to communicate effectively and collaborate in providing nursing care.
ILO 8 (C4)Able to provide education and health promotion to individuals, families, and communities.
ILO 9 (C5)Able to build leadership and management capacity in accordance with the area of ​​expertise in nursing
ILO 10 (C6)Able to apply scientific method in the field of nursing science and technology to solve health problems.


ILO and Graduate Profile Relationship Matrix


Graduate Profiles (GP)GP1GP2GP3GP4GP5
ILO 1 (A1)  Able to show devotion to God Almighty, demonstrate a professional attitude, apply ethical principles, and have legal and cultural perspectives in nursing based on the values of honesty, caring, and persistence in performing duties in the field of nursing
ILO 2 (K1)  Able to master the application of nursing science and general skills in nursing
ILO 3 (S1)Able to utilize technology for the development of nursing care  
ILO 4 (S2)  Able to develop and improve continuous professional skills in nursing  
ILO 5 (C1)  Able to apply the concept of resources, culture, and local wisdom in providing nursing services. 
ILO 6 (C2)  Able to provide professional nursing care based on Evidence Based Practice (EBP) to improve the quality of nursing care and client safety.    
ILO 7 (C3)  Able to communicate effectively and collaborate in providing nursing care.   
ILO 8 (C4)  Able to provide education and health promotion to individuals, families, and communities.   
ILO 9 (C5)  Able to build leadership and management capacity in accordance with the area of ​​expertise in nursing    
ILO 10 (C6)Able to apply scientific method in the field of nursing science and technology to solve health problems.    


The BSN leading to PN Program of undergraduate education program is divided into two phases. However, the BSN to PN program is program that interconnected and forms a unity. the BSN to PN curriculum is designed to be sustainable from the BSN to PN program. During the academic phase, students complete 144 credits taken within seven semesters. After completing 144 credits (ECTS: 264.79), students will hold a bachelor’s degree. The next stage is the professional phase, where students complete 36 credits (ECTS: 65.24) within two semesters. After completing this professional stage, the graduates will obtain the title of nurse.

The achievement map from the first to the fourth year has an organized structure from simple to complex and basic to advanced, making it easier for students to achieve five graduate profiles.


BSN Program (Year 1-4)

In the first year, students learn the basics of nursing and complete compulsory university content courses to build their character. In the second to fourth year, students study compulsory nursing courses and local content courses.


PN Program (Year 5) 

In the fifth year, students learn professionally on the field to practice providing nursing care. The process begins with the orientation and learning of basic nursing practice. For two semesters, students would apply nursing care to patients in 8 nursing areas, both in clinical and community settings. With a variety of learning methods and over 1632 hours of clinical practice, this course is suitable for nursing studies.


NoCourse CodeCourseCredit weight load
1UNO1001Pancasila2  2
2UNO1002Islamic Religion Education2  2
 UNO1003Catholic Religion Education2   
 UNO1004Protestant Christian Education2   
 UNO1005Buddhist Education2   
 UNO1006Hindu Religion Education2   
 UNO1009Confucian Religious Education2   
 UNO1011Education of Agnostics2   
3UNO1007Citizenship2  2
4UNO1008Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Identity2  2
5UNO1010Bahasa Indonesia2  2
6NSA211101Nursing Philosophy and Theory3  3
7NSA211102Basic Biomedical Sciences31 4
8NSA211103Fulfillment of Basic Human Needs21 3
Total Study Load in the First Semester182 20


NoCourse CodeCourseCredit weight load
1NSA211204Basic Concepts of Nursing3  3
2NSA211205Basic Communication of Nursing11 2
3NSA211206Basic Nursing Principles and Skills12 3
4NSA211207Nursing Process and Critical Thinking3  3
5NSA211208Basic Science in Nursing21 3
6NSA211209Health Education and Promotion21 3
7NSA211210Pharmacology in Nursing21 3
8NSA211211Psychosocial and Cultural in Nursing2  2
Total Study Load in Semester II166 22


NoCourse CodeCourseCredit weight load
1NSA211312Nursing Information System11 2
2NSA211313Nursing Therapeutic Communication21 3
3NSA211314English in Nursing21 3
4NSA212315Adult Nursing (System of Cardiovascular, Respiration, and Hematology)31 4
5NSA212316Maternity Nursing31 4
6NSA211317Patient Safety and Occupational Health Safety in Nursing11 2
7NSA211318The Concept of Local Wisdom2  2
8 Elective 12  2
 NSA211319Design and Presentation Techniques    
 NSA211320Scientific Writing    
 NSA211321Lactation Counseling    
 NSA211322Pain Management    
Total Study Load in Semester III166 22
NoCourse CodeCourseCredit weight load
1NSA212423Reproductive Health Nursing11 2
2NSA212424Adult Nursing (System of Endocrine, Digestive, Urinary, and Immunology)31 4
3NSA212425Pediatric Nursing of Healthy and Acute31 4
4NSA212426Mental Health and Psychosocial Nursing21 3
5NSA211427Complementary Nursing11 2
6NSA211428Biostatistics11 2
7NSA211429Entrepreneurship11 2
8 Elective 23  3
 NSA211430Newborn and Child Care    
 NSA211431Anticipatory Guidance for Women’s Health    
 NSA211432Wound Care    
 NSA211433Disaster Survivor Care    
Total Study Load in Semester IV157 22


NoCourse CodeCourseCredit weight load
1NSA212534Adult Nursing (System of Musculoskeletal, Integument, Sensory Perception, and Nervous)31 4
2NSA212535Chronic and Terminal Pediatric Nursing2  2
3NSA212536Psychiatric Nursing21 3
4NSA211537Community Nursing Concepts2  2
5NSA212538Palliative and end-of-life care Nursing21 3
6NSA212539Clinical Practice of Nursing  33
7 Elective 32  2
 NSA212540Stroke Rehabilitation    
 NSA211541Adolescent Health Care    
 NSA212542High-Risk Infant Care    
 NSA211543Psychosocial Well-being    
Total Study Load in Semester V133319


NoCourse CodeCourseCredit weight load 
1NSA211644Research Methodology31 4 
2NSA212645Family Nursing31 4 
3NSA212646Community Aggregate Care21 3 
4NSA212647Emergency Nursing31 4 
5UNO4009Community Services Program (KKN) 3 3 
6NSA212648Disaster Nursing11 2 
7 Elective 42  2 
 NSA212649Disability in Children     
 NSA211650Nursing Negotiation and Lobbying     
 NSA211651Personal Branding Techniques     
 NSA211652Psychiatric Nursing in Community     
Number of Study Load in Semester VI148 22 


NoCourse CodeCourse (MK)Credit weight 
1NSA211753Nursing Leadership and Management31 4 
2NSA212754Critical Nursing21 3 
3NSA211755Gerontology Nursing31 4 
4NSA212756Application of Empowerment and Local Wisdom  22 
5NSA212757Undergraduate Thesis 4 4 
Total Study Load in Semester VII87217 



NoCourse CodeCourse (MK)Credit weight
1NSA211801Fundamental of Nursing Profession Practice  22
2NSA211802Medical Surgical Nursing Profession Practice  77
3NSA211803Pediatric Nursing Profession Practice  44
4NSA211804Maternity Nursing Profession Practice  44
5NSA211805Emergency and Critical Nursing Profession Practice  44
Total Study Load in the First Semester  2121


NoCourse CodeCourse (MK)Credit weight
1NSA211906Mental Nursing Profession Practice  33
2NSA211907Nursing Management Profession Practice  33
3NSA211908Gerontology Nursing Profession Practice  22
4NSA211909Family Nursing Profession Practice  22
5NSA211910Community Nursing Profession Practice  33
6NSA211911Final Scientific Work  22
Total Study Load in Semester II   15


Full Curriculum Document Download Here (or contact email: for further information)

Program Structure Download Here
NoCourse CodeCourseCredit weight load
1UNO1001Pancasila2  2
2UNO1002Islamic Religion Education2  2
 UNO1003Catholic Religion Education2   
 UNO1004Protestant Christian Education2   
 UNO1005Buddhist Education2   
 UNO1006Hindu Religion Education2   
 UNO1009Confucian Religious Education2   
 UNO1011Education of Agnostics2   
3UNO1007Citizenship2  2
4UNO1008Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Identity2  2
5UNO1010Bahasa Indonesia2  2
6NSA211101Nursing Philosophy and Theory3  3
7NSA211102Basic Biomedical Sciences31 4
8NSA211103Fulfillment of Basic Human Needs21 3
Total Study Load in the First Semester182 20


NoCourse CodeCourseCredit weight load
1NSA211204Basic Concepts of Nursing3  3
2NSA211205Basic Communication of Nursing11 2
3NSA211206Basic Nursing Principles and Skills12 3
4NSA211207Nursing Process and Critical Thinking3  3
5NSA211208Basic Science in Nursing21 3
6NSA211209Health Education and Promotion21 3
7NSA211210Pharmacology in Nursing21 3
8NSA211211Psychosocial and Cultural in Nursing2  2
Total Study Load in Semester II166 22


NoCourse CodeCourseCredit weight load
1NSA211312Nursing Information System11 2
2NSA211313Nursing Therapeutic Communication21 3
3NSA211314English in Nursing21 3
4NSA212315Adult Nursing (System of Cardiovascular, Respiration, and Hematology)31 4
5NSA212316Maternity Nursing31 4
6NSA211317Patient Safety and Occupational Health Safety in Nursing11 2
7NSA211318The Concept of Local Wisdom2  2
8 Elective 12  2
 NSA211319Design and Presentation Techniques    
 NSA211320Scientific Writing    
 NSA211321Lactation Counseling    
 NSA211322Pain Management    
Total Study Load in Semester III166 22


NoCourse CodeCourseCredit weight load
1NSA212423Reproductive Health Nursing11 2
2NSA212424Adult Nursing (System of Endocrine, Digestive, Urinary, and Immunology)31 4
3NSA212425Pediatric Nursing of Healthy and Acute31 4
4NSA212426Mental Health and Psychosocial Nursing21 3
5NSA211427Complementary Nursing11 2
6NSA211428Biostatistics11 2
7NSA211429Entrepreneurship11 2
8 Elective 23  3
 NSA211430Newborn and Child Care    
 NSA211431Anticipatory Guidance for Women’s Health    
 NSA211432Wound Care    
 NSA211433Disaster Survivor Care    
Total Study Load in Semester IV157 22


NoCourse CodeCourseCredit weight load
1NSA212534Adult Nursing (System of Musculoskeletal, Integument, Sensory Perception, and Nervous)31 4
2NSA212535Chronic and Terminal Pediatric Nursing2  2
3NSA212536Psychiatric Nursing21 3
4NSA211537Community Nursing Concepts2  2
5NSA212538Palliative and end-of-life care Nursing21 3
6NSA212539Clinical Practice of Nursing  33
7 Elective 32  2
 NSA212540Stroke Rehabilitation    
 NSA211541Adolescent Health Care    
 NSA212542High-Risk Infant Care    
 NSA211543Psychosocial Well-being    
Total Study Load in Semester V133319


NoCourse CodeCourseCredit weight load 
1NSA211644Research Methodology31 4 
2NSA212645Family Nursing31 4 
3NSA212646Community Aggregate Care21 3 
4NSA212647Emergency Nursing31 4 
5UNO4009Community Services Program (KKN) 3 3 
6NSA212648Disaster Nursing11 2 
7 Elective 42  2 
 NSA212649Disability in Children     
 NSA211650Nursing Negotiation and Lobbying     
 NSA211651Personal Branding Techniques     
 NSA211652Psychiatric Nursing in Community     
Number of Study Load in Semester VI148 22 


NoCourse CodeCourse (MK)Credit weight 
1NSA211753Nursing Leadership and Management31 4 
2NSA212754Critical Nursing21 3 
3NSA211755Gerontology Nursing31 4 
4NSA212756Application of Empowerment and Local Wisdom  22 
5NSA212757Undergraduate Thesis 4 4 
Total Study Load in Semester VII87217 



NoCourse CodeCourse (MK)Credit weight
1NSA211801Fundamental of Nursing Profession Practice  22
2NSA211802Medical Surgical Nursing Profession Practice  77
3NSA211803Pediatric Nursing Profession Practice  44
4NSA211804Maternity Nursing Profession Practice  44
5NSA211805Emergency and Critical Nursing Profession Practice  44
Total Study Load in the First Semester  2121


NoCourse CodeCourse (MK)Credit weight
1NSA211906Mental Nursing Profession Practice  33
2NSA211907Nursing Management Profession Practice  33
3NSA211908Gerontology Nursing Profession Practice  22
4NSA211909Family Nursing Profession Practice  22
5NSA211910Community Nursing Profession Practice  33
6NSA211911Final Scientific Work  22
Total Study Load in Semester II   15