Department of Library Science

  • PROFIT PROFIT (Reading Field of Reading)

Activities to collect books for storage at the Arrazy Mosque and the Pharmacy Mosque, the activity still exists until October 2016

  • FORKA (Study Forum)

The activity with the theme “Medicine Ala Rosulullah” Place in the Nutrition Science Study Program, resource person Arif Budianto

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Mentoring Department

  • Grand Opening of University Mentoring

Held on 17 September 2016 at the Sports Hall Soesilo Soedarman. Participants of the 2016 Unsoed new students

  • Grand Opening Mentoring of the Faculty

Held on October 2, 2016 new student participants of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Jenderal Soedirman University in 2016, where the yard of the Pharmacy Department building, Faculty ofikes Unsoed

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LSOPM Department

  • Routine Review

Five (5) activities were held, at the Arrazy Fikes Unsoed mosque, and involved study studies from other divisions

  • breaking the fast together

Held at the Arrazy Fikes Unsoed mosque, held 4 times during Ramadan 1437H

  • Maintenance of the completeness of the Arrazy mosque

Loundry mukena, Arrazy mosque and mosque of Pharmacy

Procurement of sandals for the Pharmacy prayer room

Arrazy mosque wardrobe repair

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Regeneration department

  • Initial recruitment (expo & stand)

The expo and stand appearances were held on September 28, 2016, recruiting 27 new students from the 2016 batch of Unsoed Fikes

  • Member Training 2 / Dauroh Kader

Held on 13,14,15, May 2016 at the Fish Seed Center for 44 participants

  • Night of Bina Iman and Taqwa

Held on 11-12 June 2016 at the Gelora Indah Mosque venue, participants were 18 members of the board

  • Rihlah

24 September 2016 tourist attractions Small World Baturraden Banyumas, Central Java

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Department of Broadcast

  • Current quotes

Implemented throughout the period of management, 2 x a week

Form of activity: share via WhatsApp, line, Facebook and Instagram

  • Series of activities for the month of Ramadan

15 days of khatam Al-qur’an

Open together with TPQ children to join BEM Fikes

Study studies; marger with the department of LSOPM @masjid Arrazy was held 5 times

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Department of Public Relations and Media

  • Wall magazine

Making wall magazine once a month during the management, posted at the Arrazy mosque, information: running

  • Social media

Facebook, line, instagram, whatsApp, email


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Sharia Entrepreneur

  • Uniform

Making of Islamic Spiritual Unit Jacket uniforms: done

  • Usman

Forms of activity ; sale of goods containing Islamic content: socks

  • SE Time

Forms of activity ; selling snacks, sold by each department, description: activities carried out

  • Equivalent

Form of activity: selling ta’jil during the month of Ramadan via delivery of orders and stands in front of the Grendeng field, the target profit is Rp. 100,000 / activity

Achieved according to target

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Department of Muslim Affairs

  • Dhuha Ring

This Dhuha ring is carried out by the Muslim department every day, by distributing writings or pamphlets to the UKI Fikes group, UKI Fikes administrators and every day, UKI Fikes administrators and in each generation in each department to remind Duha prayers. Dhuha ring is spread between 08.00 – 11.00 am.

After this work program was carried out, alhamdulillah, many students appreciated that they were moved to carry out the Duha prayer and there were some people who were happy when someone reminded them of the Duha prayer.

  • Rainbow Garden

It is a Friday kajia in the form of a princess which is usually done when men are praying Friday, with the target of Muslim fikes students. It has been implemented, with the following agenda:

Day / date: Friday, 15 April 2016

Time: 11.30 = 12.30 am

Place: Room A2 Nursing

Resource person: Ustad Ima Rismawati

Theme: Adab on social media for Muslim women

Adobe Lightroom Crack for Mac

Day / date: Friday, June 03 2016

Time: 11.30 = 12.30 am

Place: Room A2 Nursing

Informant: Ustad EVA

Theme: Ramadan I prepare myself to pick you up


  • Muslim heroine

This work program aims to train Muslim women in exploring their potential in the field of sports, so that we facilitate Muslim women who want to hone their potential such as swimming and archery. There have been several frameworks of Islamic heroine activities that have been carried out, namely:

Day / date: Saturday, April 16, 2016

Time: 08.30 WIB – finished

Place: Swimming Tirta Kencana

Coach: Holy


Day / date: Saturday, 28 May 2016

Time: 15.30 WIB – finished

Place: Langen Tirta Pond

Coach: Saints and Goddesses


Day / date: Sunday, 25 September 2016

Time: 08.00 WIB – finished

Place: Mako Brimob

Coach: Holy


  • GMT (Great Muslim Training) 2

Great Muslimah Training is held for Muslim women who have participated in Great Muslimah Training 1 to build Muslim women who have daiyyah character and have good character. With activities such as studies, outbound, and discussion on GMT carried out on:

Day / date: Saturday, June 4, 2016

Time: 08.00 WIB – finished

Place: Faperta Auditorium

HTM: 8 K.

Theme: Muslim women carry out da’wah, establish ukhuwah and have good character